Inorder to build greater confidence in a company and its major stakeholders, an independent Audit is vital. Audit and Assurance continue to provide reliable financial information that is significant in decision-making.
At Makers and Partners, we objectively examine and evaluate the financial statements or financial records of an organization and express our opinion. We objectively examine and evaluate the Financial Records, Controls and Statements of organizations and express our opinion on it True and Fairview and provide improvement recommendations for control gaps to ensure that our clients operated profitable and sustainably.
Our audit staff have diverse experience in Manufacturing, Hospitality, Financial Sectors, Construction, Fintech, Oil and Gas, Gaming, legal, Agricultural, Energy, Health, Tourism, Public Sector and Not-for-Profit Organizations. We ensure that all audits and assurances assignments are conducted in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) or in accordance with relevant national standards or practices as appropriate.
Our Audit and Assurance Services Include:
- Statutory Audits for Companies and Enterprises
- Internal audit Services
- Transition and Training on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Forensic Audit